Monday, December 16, 2019

1st semester reflection

In this first semester i would say that the quality of my images has been really high for using a phone camera, my subject matter is good, not the best but good. I think i have always fulfilled all of the assignments that have been brought to me. I have used my imagination to take it further. and my resolutions and format have always been correct.

When it comes to effort, i think I have always given my best and tried to get the best of me, I always use good effort and will not take the first idea that comes to mind. I always take lots of photos and use harder ideas because I know that other people don't do the same.I try to be positive about everything and everyone.

When it comes to participation I know i have some flaws but will try to work on them and therefore become better at this. Sometimes i can get off task but i will always try to get the job done. Everyday i have plan in class and i will always complete that plan before i walk out the door.

I have improved as a photographer thanks to Mr Klein's teaching and how he makes the class fun and it never gets monotone. All of my photography aspects have improved and i will continue to grow as the time goes and as we do more assignments. I look forward to becoming well educated at this and know how to defend myself out there.


I would like to do one of those crazy images where you see a monster raiding the city and everything is getting destroyed. I think it would be a wholesome way of expressing our ideas.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Helnwein written response 2

Looking at Helnwein's finished project changes the meaning of such completely. When in the first image i thought that it was a grown woman, the other images confirm that the image is a young girl, a girl with a sad look in her face, as if she was "the last girl". this image seems to be posted in an industrial area, therefore the intended public is the blue collar workers, with this in a way, the author could be trying to describe what will happen if factories keep going and destroying our planet, therefore it could be part of a campaign to save nature. And the message could be transmitted as, "If we do not stop, soon, there will be, 'The last girl' ".

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Gottfried Helnwein. written response

The image by Helnwein transmits a subtle but deep message. by showing the contrast between the man's size and the woman's size, many conclusions can be made, but my personal opinion is that the author is trying to show how our perception can be changed so easily by something so small. In the image if the man would cover up the woman's eye, she would not be able to see, showing how something so small can completely change our perception of things. The image in my opinion is not photoshopped and was taken from a high point when the image of the woman is painted on the floor.

spaceship project

Monday, October 7, 2019

The power of internet images

1. Jenny tries to show the image of someone adventurous, brave, free, successful, and trendy
2. I think that she does a good job as all of her pictures portrait a fun life.
3.No, Jenny seems like she will try to have a perfect life more than a real life which does not really make a good friend.

Monday, September 9, 2019

lost in a world like me questions

1.The general premise of the video is that humans are losing control because they are addicted to their phones and life turns black and white.

2.The video is effective because it shows how plain and cruel humans have become because of their addiction.

3.It is more of a warning because we are not there yet but, we are close enough for this video to be alarming.