Monday, December 16, 2019

1st semester reflection

In this first semester i would say that the quality of my images has been really high for using a phone camera, my subject matter is good, not the best but good. I think i have always fulfilled all of the assignments that have been brought to me. I have used my imagination to take it further. and my resolutions and format have always been correct.

When it comes to effort, i think I have always given my best and tried to get the best of me, I always use good effort and will not take the first idea that comes to mind. I always take lots of photos and use harder ideas because I know that other people don't do the same.I try to be positive about everything and everyone.

When it comes to participation I know i have some flaws but will try to work on them and therefore become better at this. Sometimes i can get off task but i will always try to get the job done. Everyday i have plan in class and i will always complete that plan before i walk out the door.

I have improved as a photographer thanks to Mr Klein's teaching and how he makes the class fun and it never gets monotone. All of my photography aspects have improved and i will continue to grow as the time goes and as we do more assignments. I look forward to becoming well educated at this and know how to defend myself out there.


I would like to do one of those crazy images where you see a monster raiding the city and everything is getting destroyed. I think it would be a wholesome way of expressing our ideas.

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